Rhino Mocks Method ‘YYY' requires a return value or an exception to throw.
Thursday, December 10, 2009 in 2009
less than a minute
Yesterday I found myself stucked with a strange exception while programming a unit test using Rhino Mocks. Supose you have an interface like the following one. public interface ITest { object Freak(); } You can try a mock like the following: var test …
Officially now I'm part of xVal.WebForms developers team.
Thursday, November 19, 2009 in 2009
less than a minute
I’ve been working on xVal.WebForms for the last month, as a consecuence it’s Project Coordinator John Rummel has decided to add me as an official developer. So now I’m on board. Thanks John. xVal.WebForms Team.
xVal.WebForms, Validation Groups and CausesValidation Part II
Wednesday, October 28, 2009 in 2009
less than a minute
A friend came with two issues concerning my recent post about xVal.webForms ValidationGroups and CausesValidation support. 1.- Supress Validation was being rendered as many times as ModelValidators where in the page. 2.- When more than one …
xVal.WebForms, Validation Groups and CausesValidation
Monday, October 26, 2009 in 2009
less than a minute
In one of our recent projects we needed a behavior like the ASP.Net ValidationGroups and also be able to relay on the CausesValidation of all controls implementing IButtonControl interface control. So the first issue I faced was that jquery-validate …
Using xVal, CSLA.NET and DataAnnotations.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 in 2009
less than a minute
I’ve been working for years with CSLA to create business layer objects. Recently I started using XVal 1.0 and XVal.WebForms 0.1 for client side validation. I started enforcing our rules as DataAnnotations and also in CSLA AddBusinessRules() …
Upgrade xVal.WebForms 0.1 to use xVal.1.0 (Validation Summary Support)
Monday, October 19, 2009 in 2009
less than a minute
Recently I found out about xVal.WebForms project at CodePlex.com. Its a good implementation of XVal for ASP.Net WebForms made by John Rummell. I missed Validation Summary support so I upgraded John’s code so it could work with XVal 1.0. I …
Issue in non Generic Execute Method in DbLinq.Data.Linq.Implementation.QueryProvider
Monday, October 19, 2009 in 2009
less than a minute
We’ve been working with DbLinq for a while now, at HexaSystems and recently using it together with Dynamic Linq and SQLite I programed a call to the Count method of a Queryable object as follows: public static int Count(this IQueryable source) …