Stop or Start all WebApps in your Azure subscription with Stop-Start-All-WebApps.ps1 a simple PowerShell workflow runbook that will help you automate the process of stopping or starting every single WebApp (Website) you’ve deployed.
The script receives two required parameters:
- Stop: If set to true stop the WebApps (Websites) otherwise start the WebApps (Websites)
- CredentialAssetName: The name of a valid Credential Asset (AutomationPSCredential) you must have previously configured.
As you can see below, the script is quite simple and uses the following PowerShell Activities and Cmdlets:
Type | Name | Description |
Activity | Get-AutomationPSCredential | Gets a credential to use in a runbook or DSC configuration. Returns a System.Management.Automation.PSCredential object. |
Cmdlet | Add-AzureAccount | Adds an authenticated account to use for Resource Manager cmdlet requests. |
Cmdlet | Add-AzureRmAccount | Adds the Azure account to Windows PowerShell |
Cmdlet | Get-AzureWebsite | Gets Azure websites in the current subscription |
Cmdlet | Stop-AzureWebsite | Stops the specified webiste |
Cmdlet | Start-AzureWebsite | Starts the specified webiste |
Here is the script:
Start or Stop all WebApps (Websites) in your subscription.
Runbook which allows you to start/stop all WebApps (Websites) in your subscription.
If set to true: stop the WebApps (Websites). Otherwise start the WebApps (Websites)
.PARAMETER CredentialAssetName
The name of a working AutomationPSCredential
AUTHOR: Carlos Mendible
LASTEDIT: June 2, 2016
Workflow Stop-Start-All-WebApps
# Parameters
[Parameter (Mandatory= $true)]
[Parameter (Mandatory= $true)]
#The name of the Automation Credential Asset this runbook will use to authenticate to Azure.
$CredentialAssetName = $CredentialAssetName;
#Get the credential with the above name from the Automation Asset store
$Cred = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name $CredentialAssetName
if(!$Cred) {
Throw "Could not find an Automation Credential Asset named '${CredentialAssetName}'. Make sure you have created one in this Automation Account."
#Connect to your Azure Account
Add-AzureRmAccount -Credential $Cred
Add-AzureAccount -Credential $Cred
$status = 'Stopped'
if ($Stop)
$status = 'Running'
# Get Running WebApps (Websites)
$websites = Get-AzureWebsite | where-object -FilterScript{$_.state -eq $status }
foreach -parallel ($website In $websites)
if ($Stop)
$result = Stop-AzureWebsite $website.Name
Write-Output "- $($website.Name) did not shutdown successfully"
Write-Output "+ $($website.Name) shutdown successfully"
$result = Start-AzureWebsite $website.Name
Write-Output "- $($website.Name) did not start successfully"
Write-Output "+ $($website.Name) started successfully"
You can download the script from the Technet Script Gallery, import it as a runbook for your automation account in the Azure portal or simply copy the code from this post.
Hope it helps!