Today I’ll show you how to Run ASP.NET Core on OpenShift.
First be aware of the following prerequisites:
- You’ll need a working Docker installation. If you are using Windows 10 you can get Docker for Windows here.
- Be sure to Disable TLS for for your Docker installation
- Be sure to set as an Insecure Registry in your Docker installation
- Be sure to set as a Registry Mirror in your Docker installation
- You’ll need download the oc Client Tools
Note: If you want to learn about OpenShift and what can you do with it, I recommend the free book: Openshift for Developers.
Now let’s start:
Create a folder for your new project#
Open a command promt an run:
mkdir aspnet.on.openshift
Create the project#
cd aspnet.on.openshift
dotnet new web
No you have a working Hello World application.
Publish your application#
Restore the nuget packages and publish your application with the following commands:
dotnet restore
dotnet publish -c release
Create a Dockerfile#
Create a Dockerfile (be aware of the capital D) with the following contents:
FROM microsoft/dotnet
ENV ASPNETCORE_URLS=https://*:8080
# Switch to root for changing dir ownership/permissions
# Copy the binaries
COPY /bin/release/netcoreapp1.1/publish app
# Change to app directory
# In order to drop the root user, we have to make some directories world
# writable as OpenShift default security model is to run the container under
# random UID.
RUN chown -R 1001:0 /app && chmod -R og+rwx /app
# Expose port 8080 for the application.
# Run container by default as user with id 1001 (default)
USER 1001
# Start the application using dotnet!!!
ENTRYPOINT dotnet aspnet.on.openshift.dll
Create you OpenShift Cluster#
Run the following command:
oc cluster up --host-data-dir=/mydata --version=v1.5.1
You should have a working cluster. To get the url of your cluster run:
oc status
Browse to your cluster (i.e and login with username: developer and password developer
Create an app in OpenShift#
Run the following command:
oc new-app . --name=aspnetoc
Build your OpenShift image#
Run the following command
oc start-build aspnetoc --from-dir=.
Create a route so you can access the application#
Run the following commands
oc create route edge --service=aspnetoc
oc get route aspnetoc
Copy the host/port output of the previous command (i.e.
Check the status and browse to you application#
Check the status with the following command
oc status
When your pod has been deployed browse to your application using the host you copied in step 8 (i.e.
Enjoy! you just deployed your ASP.NET Core application to OpenShift.
You can get the code here.
Hope it helps!