Today I’ll show you how to Run ASP.NET Core on OpenShift.

First be aware of the following prerequisites:

  • You’ll need a working Docker installation. If you are using Windows 10 you can get Docker for Windows here.
  • Be sure to Disable TLS for for your Docker installation
  • Be sure to set as an Insecure Registry in your Docker installation
  • Be sure to set as a Registry Mirror in your Docker installation
  • You’ll need download the oc Client Tools

Note: If you want to learn about OpenShift and what can you do with it, I recommend the free book: Openshift for Developers.

Now let’s start:

Create a folder for your new project

Open a command promt an run:

1mkdir aspnet.on.openshift

Create the project

1cd aspnet.on.openshift
2dotnet new web

No you have a working Hello World application.

Publish your application

Restore the nuget packages and publish your application with the following commands:

1dotnet restore
2dotnet publish -c release

Create a Dockerfile

Create a Dockerfile (be aware of the capital D) with the following contents:

 1FROM microsoft/dotnet 
 4ENV ASPNETCORE_URLS=https://*:8080
 6# Switch to root for changing dir ownership/permissions
 7USER 0
 9# Copy the binaries
10COPY /bin/release/netcoreapp1.1/publish app
12# Change to app directory
15# In order to drop the root user, we have to make some directories world
16# writable as OpenShift default security model is to run the container under
17# random UID.
18RUN chown -R 1001:0 /app && chmod -R og+rwx /app
20# Expose port 8080 for the application.
21EXPOSE 8080
23# Run container by default as user with id 1001 (default)
24USER 1001
26# Start the application using dotnet!!!
27ENTRYPOINT dotnet aspnet.on.openshift.dll

Create you OpenShift Cluster

Run the following command:

1oc cluster up --host-data-dir=/mydata --version=v1.5.1

You should have a working cluster. To get the url of your cluster run:

1oc status 

Browse to your cluster (i.e and login with username: developer and password developer

Create an app in OpenShift

Run the following command:

1oc new-app . --name=aspnetoc

Build your OpenShift image

Run the following command

1oc start-build aspnetoc --from-dir=.

Create a route so you can access the application

Run the following commands

1oc create route edge --service=aspnetoc
2oc get route aspnetoc

Copy the host/port output of the previous command (i.e.

Check the status and browse to you application

Check the status with the following command

1oc status

When your pod has been deployed browse to your application using the host you copied in step 8 (i.e.

Enjoy! you just deployed your ASP.NET Core application to OpenShift.

You can get the code here.

Hope it helps!