So last week I was in a rush to find a fast and easy way to consume events from Azure Event Hubs and send them to a Kafka topic.
After googling a bit I found this project: Kafka Connect Azure IoT Hub. Yes the name of the project can be misleading, but since IoT Hub is a service which relies on Event Hubs and also taking a close look to the code showed that it uses the Event Hubs client for java, I decided to give it a try.
I will asume not only that you have working knowledge with Event Hubs, but also that you have an instance deployed, plus a working Kafka and Kafka Connect (Distributed mode) setup.
Let’s kick it:
1. Download the Kafka Connect Azure IoT Hub#
Download the Kafka Connect Azure IoT Hub 0.6 jar and copy the file in the Kafka installation libs folder (usually under KAFKA_HOME/libs).
Be sure to start Zookeper, Kafka and Kafka connect.
2. Create a connect-eventhub-source.json file#
Update the following json and save it as connect-eventhub-source.json.
"name": "eventhub-source",
"config": {
"connector.class": "",
"tasks.max": "[Number of task == Number Event Hub Partitions]",
"Kafka.Topic": "[Target Kafka Topic]",
"IotHub.EventHubCompatibleName": "[Event Hubs Name]",
"IotHub.EventHubCompatibleEndpoint": "sb://[Event Hubs Namespace]",
"IotHub.AccessKeyName": "[Access key name for the Event Hub]",
"IotHub.AccessKeyValue": "[Access key value for the Event Hub]",
"IotHub.ConsumerGroup": "[Consumer group (Can use $Default)]",
"IotHub.Partitions": "[Number of Event Hub Partitions]",
"IotHub.StartTime": "",
"IotHub.Offsets": "",
"BatchSize": "100"
I’ve submited a pull request to fix some of the descriptions you’ll find for the fields here
3. Post the configuration to the Kafka Connect endpoint#
Assuming your Kafka Connect is running on localhost and listening to the default port 8083 execute the followinmg command:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @connect-eventhub-source.json -X POST
After a while you should start receiving the events in the Kafka Topic you configured.
Hope it helps!