Last May I wrote: Accepting Azure Marketplace Terms with Azure CLI and this time we’ll accomplish the same task with Ansible.

Turns out that Ansible 2.6 comes with a handy new module: azure_rm_resource which lets you create, update or delete any Azure resource using Azure REST API. So I decided to take it for a test drive with the “Accepting Terms” sample.

I’ve hard coded Palo Alto Networks offer for the following playbook but feel free to use another offer:

 2- hosts: localhost
 3  gather_facts: no
 4  vars:
 5    subscriptionId: "[REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES]"
 6    az_client_id: "[REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES]"
 7    az_tenant: "[REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES]"
 8    az_secret: "[REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN VALUES]"
 9    region: "westeurope"
10    publisher: "paloaltonetworks"
11    offer: "vmseries1"
12    sku: "bundle1"
13  tasks:
14    - name: Get Agreements for given Image parameters
15      azure_rm_resource:
16        subscription_id: "{{ subscriptionId }}"
17        client_id: "{{ az_client_id }}"
18        tenant: "{{ az_tenant }}"
19        secret: "{{ az_secret }}"
20        url: "{{ subscriptionId }}/providers/Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering/offerTypes/virtualmachine/publishers/{{ publisher }}/offers/{{ offer }}/plans/{{ sku }}/agreements/current?api-version=2015-06-01"
21        method: GET
22        api_version: "2015-06-01"
23      register: agreement_result
25    - name: Register Agreement properties as fact
26      set_fact:
27        agreement: "{{ }}"
29    - name: Accept Terms for given Image parameters
30      azure_rm_resource:
31        subscription_id: "{{ subscriptionId }}"
32        client_id: "{{ az_client_id }}"
33        tenant: "{{ az_tenant }}"
34        secret: "{{ az_secret }}"
35        url: "{{ subscriptionId }}/providers/Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering/offerTypes/virtualmachine/publishers/{{ publisher }}/offers/{{ offer }}/plans/{{ sku }}/agreements/current?api-version=2015-06-01"
36        method: PUT
37        api_version: "2015-06-01"
38        body:
39          properties:
40            publisher: "{{agreement.publisher}}"
41            product: "{{agreement.product}}"
42            plan: "{{agreement.plan}}"
43            licenseTextLink: "{{agreement.licenseTextLink}}"
44            privacyPolicyLink: "{{agreement.privacyPolicyLink}}"
45            retrieveDatetime: "{{agreement.retrieveDatetime}}"
46            signature: "{{agreement.signature}}"
47            accepted: "true"
48      register: result
50    - name: Accept Terms output
51      debug:
52        msg: "{{result}}"

Hope it helps!