AKS: Read Azure Key Vault secrets using AAD Pod Identity
Saturday, November 30, 2019 in 2019
4 minute read
What if I tell you that it’s possible to connect you AKS pods to an Azure Key Vault using identities but without having to use credentials in an explicit way? Well with AAD Pod Identities you can enable your Kubernetes applications to access …
Kubernetes: Despliegue en Azure
Sunday, November 24, 2019 in 2019
less than a minute
Durante el mes de Octubre tuve la suerte de grabar en LinkedIn Learning mi primer curso online sobre Kubernetes. Aun me queda mucho por aprender y mejorar en este formato, ya que mientras grabas los cursos no recibes feedback inmediato como sí ocurre …
GitOps: Deploying apps in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with Flux
Sunday, August 04, 2019 in 2019
2 minute read
Recently I learned about GitOps which is a way to manage your Kubernetes clusters and the applications you run on top using Git. The idea is that you can declaratively describe the desired state of your systems in Git and roll out changes as soon as …
Kured: Restart your Azure Kubernetes Service Nodes
Sunday, July 28, 2019 in 2019
2 minute read
Two weeks ago I got an email message from Microsoft Azure explaining that Azure Kubernetes Services had been patched but that I had to restart my nodes (reboot the clusters) to complete the operation. The first thing you need to know is that, when …
Visual Studio Code Remote Containers: Azure Blockchain
Saturday, July 06, 2019 in 2019
2 minute read
After collaborating with the Azure Ansible container I decided to also develop a Developer Container for those who want or need to use the Azure Blockchain Development Kit for Ethereum to create smart contracts, taking away the burden of installing …
Visual Studio Code Remote Containers: Azure Ansible
Friday, July 05, 2019 in 2019
3 minute read
Last year I was working on a project for deploying Azure services using Ansible, and let me tell you something: Back then a feature like Visual Studio Remote Containers would have helped us so much! Why? Because just installing Visual Studio Code, …
Scale a Kubernetes Deployment with .NET Core
Friday, May 31, 2019 in 2019
2 minute read
Let’s start: Create a folder for your new project Open a command prompt an run: mkdir kuberenetes.scale Create the project cd kuberenetes.scale dotnet new api Add the references to KubernetesClient dotnet add package KubernetesClient -v 1.5.18 …
ARM: Enable Container Monitoring Solution on an existing Log Analytics Workspace
Thursday, May 16, 2019 in 2019
less than a minute
Recently I had to update a bunch of Log Analytics Workspaces resources to enable the Container Monitoring Solution. So I came up with this ARM Template that I want to share with you: { "$schema": …
Running the Global Azure Bootcamp Science Lab in Kubernetes
Monday, April 22, 2019 in 2019
less than a minute
Next Saturday the Global Azure Bootcamp will be celebrated all over the world and as in previous years their will be a Science Lab where we’ll try to discover a planet!!!. Isn’t that cool? Well to make this fast you can run the Science …
AKS & Application Gateway: Expose more than one service in an ingress resource
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 in 2019
less than a minute
If you install the Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller for your AKS clusters you may want to expose more than one service through the same Public IP just changing the url path. In order to make this work you must use the backend-path-prefix …