Recently I had to update a bunch of Log Analytics Workspaces resources to enable the Container Monitoring Solution. So I came up with this ARM Template that I want to share with you:

 2    "$schema": "",
 3    "contentVersion": "",
 4    "parameters": {
 5        "LogAnalyticsWorkspaceName": {
 6            "type": "string",
 7            "metadata": {
 8                "description": "Log Analytics Workspace name"
 9            }
10        }
11    },
12    "variables": {
13        "workspaceResourceId": "[resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/', parameters('LogAnalyticsWorkspaceName'))]",
14        "containerSolutionName": "[concat(parameters('LogAnalyticsWorkspaceName'), '-containers')]"
15    },
16    "resources": [
17        {
18            "type": "Microsoft.OperationsManagement/solutions",
19            "apiVersion": "2015-11-01-preview",
20            "name": "[variables('containerSolutionName')]",
21            "location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
22            "plan": {
23                "name": "[variables('containerSolutionName')]",
24                "product": "[concat('OMSGallery/', 'ContainerInsights')]",
25                "promotionCode": "",
26                "publisher": "Microsoft"
27            },
28            "properties": {
29                "workspaceResourceId": "[variables('workspaceResourceId')]"
30            }
31        }
32    ],
33    "outputs": {}

Hope it helps!