Let’s start:

Create a folder for your new project

Open a command prompt an run:

1mkdir kuberenetes.scale

Create the project

1cd kuberenetes.scale
2dotnet new api

Add the references to KubernetesClient

1dotnet add package KubernetesClient -v 1.5.18
2dotnet restore

Create a PodsController.cs with the following code

 1using System;
 2using System.Collections.Generic;
 3using System.Linq;
 4using System.Threading.Tasks;
 5using k8s;
 6using k8s.Models;
 7using Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch;
 8using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
 9using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
11namespace kubernetes.scale
13    [Route("api/[controller]")]
14    [ApiController]
15    public class PodsController : ControllerBase
16    {
17        private KubernetesClientConfiguration k8sConfig = null;
19        public PodsController(IConfiguration config)
20        {
21            // Reading configuration to know if running inside a cluster or in local mode.
22            var useKubeConfig = bool.Parse(config["UseKubeConfig"]);
23            if (!useKubeConfig)
24            {
25                // Running inside a k8s cluser
26                k8sConfig = KubernetesClientConfiguration.InClusterConfig();
27            }
28            else
29            {
30                // Running on dev machine
31                k8sConfig = KubernetesClientConfiguration.BuildConfigFromConfigFile();
32            }
33        }
35        [HttpPatch("scale")]
36        public IActionResult Scale([FromBody]ReplicaRequest request)
37        {
38            // Use the config object to create a client.
39            using (var client = new Kubernetes(k8sConfig))
40            {
41                // Create a json patch for the replicas
42                var jsonPatch = new JsonPatchDocument<V1Scale>();
43                // Set the new number of repplcias
44                jsonPatch.Replace(e => e.Spec.Replicas, request.Replicas);
45                // Creat the patch
46                var patch = new V1Patch(jsonPatch);
48                // Patch the "minions" Deployment in the "default" namespace
49                client.PatchNamespacedDeploymentScale(patch, request.Deployment, request.Namespace);
51                return NoContent();
52            }
53        }
54    }
56    public class ReplicaRequest
57    {
58        public string Deployment { get; set; }
59        public string Namespace { get; set; }
60        public int Replicas { get; set; }
61    }

Replace the contents of the appsettings.Development.json file

Note the UseKubeConfig property is set to true.

 2  "Logging": {
 3    "LogLevel": {
 4      "Default": "Debug",
 5      "System": "Information",
 6      "Microsoft": "Information"
 7    }
 8  },
 9  "UseKubeConfig": true

Replace the contents of the appsettings.json file

Note the UseKubeConfig property is set to false.

2  "Logging": {
3    "LogLevel": {
4      "Default": "Warning"
5    }
6  },
7  "AllowedHosts": "*",
8  "UseKubeConfig": false

Test the application

Test the app from your dev machine running:

1dotnet run
2curl -k -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"Deployment": "<YOUR DEPLOYMENT NAME>", "Namespace": "<YOUR NAMESPACE>", "Replicas": 3}' -X PATCH https://localhost:5001/api/pods/scale

Note: You must have a valid config file to connect to the k8s cluster.

Please find all the code used in this post here.

Hope it helps!