a couple of weeks ago I was trying to deploy MongoDB in AKS using the MongoDB Enterprise Operator and had trouble finding a simple tutorial to make the thing work. This post intends to fill that gap with a straight to the point approach.
Be sure to deploy AKS with a set of nodes with at least 8GB of RAM. I used Standard_D3_v2
First clone the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes repo#
git clone https://github.com/mongodb/mongodb-enterprise-kubernetes.git
cd mongodb-enterprise-kubernetes
Create the MongoDB namespace inside your cluster#
kubectl create namespace mongodb
Deploy the Custom Resource Definitions#
kubectl apply -f crds.yaml
Deploy the MongoDB Enterprise Operator#
kubectl apply -f mongodb-enterprise.yaml
Create a secret for the Ops Manager#
As part of the installation you’ll have to deploy the Ops Manager to the cluster. Be sure to set a complex password otherwise the Ops Manager wont start.
kubectl create secret generic ops-manager-admin-secret `
--from-literal=Username="<Username>" `
--from-literal=Password="<Password>" `
--from-literal=FirstName="<Name>" `
--from-literal=LastName="<Last Name>" `
-n mongodb
Deploy the Ops Manager#
Create ops-manager.yaml with the following contents (Note that we are using 1 replica):
apiVersion: mongodb.com/v1
kind: MongoDBOpsManager
name: ops-manager
# the number of Ops Manager instances to run. Set to value bigger
# than 1 to get high availability and upgrades without downtime
replicas: 1
# the version of Ops Manager distro to use
version: 4.2.4
# the name of the secret containing admin user credentials.
# Either remove the secret or change the password using Ops Manager UI after the Ops Manager
# resource is created!
adminCredentials: ops-manager-admin-secret
# the Ops Manager configuration. All the values must be of type string
mms.fromEmailAddr: "admin@thecompany.com"
# the application database backing Ops Manager. Replica Set is the only supported type
# Application database has the SCRAM-SHA authentication mode always enabled
members: 3
version: 4.2.0
persistent: true
cpu: "0.25"
Deploy the Ops Manager:
kubectl apply -f .\ops-manager.yaml -n mongodb
Wait until the Ops Manager is ready#
kubectl get om -n mongodb -o yaml -w
Port Forward so you can access Ops Manager from your PC#
kubectl port-forward pods/ops-manager-0 8080:8080 -n mongodb
Setup de Ops Manager#
Login into the Ops Manager (http://localhost:8080) using the same user and password you deployed as a secret.
Create an Organization. Copy the Organnization Id so you can use it later.
Create Public & Private Key for the Organization. Copy both keys so you can use them later.
White List the Operator IPs. To get the IPs run:
kubectl get po --selector=app=mongodb-enterprise-operator -n mongodb -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.podIP}'
Create a secret that will be used by the operator to connect with the ops manager#
Use the Public and Private keys copied in previous steps to run tyhe following command:
kubectl -n mongodb `
create secret generic my-credentials `
--from-literal="user=<private key>" `
--from-literal="publicApiKey=<public key>"
Create a project#
Create project.yaml with the following contents and be sure to replace the Organization Id you copied in previous steps:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: mongodb-test
projectName: mongodb-test
baseUrl: http://ops-manager-svc.mongodb.svc.cluster.local:8080
orgId: <Organization Id>
Deploy the project ConfigMap definition:
kubectl apply .\project.yaml -n mongodb
Create a standalone MongoDB instance#
Create standalone.yaml with the following contents:
apiVersion: mongodb.com/v1
kind: MongoDB
name: my-standalone
version: 4.2.1
type: Standalone
name: mongodb-test
credentials: my-credentials
# This flag allows the creation of pods without persistent volumes. This is for
# testing only, and must not be used in production. 'false' will disable
# Persistent Volume Claims. The default is 'true'
persistent: false
Deploy the standalone MongoDB:
kubectl apply -f .\standalone.yaml -n mongodb
Enjoy! You have MongoDB up and running!
To learn more about the MongoDB Enterprise Operator please check here.