Global Azure Virtual - Shhhhh: Secrets Should Stay Secret
Global Azure Virtual - Shhhhh: Secrets Should Stay Secret
less than a minute
Global Azure Virtual - Shhhhh: Secrets Should Stay Secret
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MongoDB Enterprise Operator: Deploying MongoDB in AKS
3 minute read
DOSConf - Azure Kuberentes Service: Lessons Learned
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DOSConf - Shhhhh: Secrets Should Stay Secret
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Netcoreconf Barcelona - Shhhhh: Secrets Should Stay Secret
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Visual Studio Code Remote Containers: Jekyll
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TenerifeDev Christmas TechParty - Asistentes Virtuales
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Interfaz Podcast Episodio 129 – En vivo desde Microsoft Ignite 2019 – Novedades en AKS y Contenedores con Carlos Mendible
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GitOps: Deploying apps in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with Flux
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Kured: Restart your Azure Kubernetes Service Nodes
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Visual Studio Code Remote Containers: Azure Blockchain
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Visual Studio Code Remote Containers: Azure Ansible
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Scale a Kubernetes Deployment with .NET Core
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Accepting Azure Marketplace Terms with Ansible
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Installing Azure CLI and Ansible on Ubuntu
2 minute read
Accepting Azure Marketplace Terms with Azure CLI
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Running Ansible Azure playbook in Azure Cloud Shell
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Use PowerShell to create a Microsoft Teams Channel
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Use PowerShell to enable Azure Storage Account Firewall Rules
less than a minute
Enable-AzureRmAnalysisServicesBackup is a small PowerShell script that uses the the Set-AzureRmResource cmdlet to enable backup location to an Azure Analysis Service instance.
3 minute read
Create a Service Principal and write required parameters to a .azureauth file
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HDInsight: Scale Horizontally
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Use PowerShell to Enable Logging for Azure RM Web Apps
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Debug ASP.NET Core on Docker with Visual Studio Code
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Stop or Start all WebApps in your Azure subscription
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Backup your Team Services Git Repositories with VSTS Vault
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Create an Azure Site to Site VPN
3 minute read
Export Azure Resource Groups Templates
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Application Insights Analytics
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Hiring a DevOps?
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VSTS Git Credential Manager
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DevOps, People and Emotions
3 minute read