Interactuando con la IA en el mundo real
Interactuando con la IA en el mundo real
less than a minute
Interactuando con la IA en el mundo real
less than a minute
Modernizing your applications .NET with containers and serverless
less than a minute
Create, Build, and Run .NET 7 WASM apps
less than a minute
Protect your Node.js or .NET API with Azure Active Directory
7 minute read
dotNET 2021: Event driven Microservices with Dapr and .NET
less than a minute
KCD 2021: Event driven Microservices with Dapr and .NET
less than a minute
Dapr y Azure Functions
less than a minute
ASP.NET Core OpenTelemetry Logging
2 minute read
Dapr: Reading local secrets with .NET 5
2 minute read
Infrastructure as Code War
less than a minute
The k8s Workshop
less than a minute
Managing Terraform Cloud with .NET Core
4 minute read
Programming for Kids with Microsoft MakeCode and Circuit Playground Express
less than a minute
Code Academy - Entrevista a Carlos Mendible
less than a minute
Global Azure Virtual - Dapr: Run Microservices in Azure without SDKs or vendor lock-in
less than a minute
Global Azure Virtual - Shhhhh: Secrets Should Stay Secret
less than a minute
Interfaz Podcast Episodio 139 – Conociendo Dapr con Carlos Mendible
less than a minute
Dapr: Run Microservices in Azure without SDKs or vendor lock-in
less than a minute
Reading Kubernetes Secrets with Dapr and .NET Core
3 minute read
Azure Kubernetes Service: Lessons Learned
less than a minute
Introduction to Dapr: a runtime for building microservices on cloud and edge
less than a minute
.NET Core and Azure without credentials? Impossible is nothing!
less than a minute
Dapr: Debugging .NET Core with Visual Studio Code
2 minute read
DOSConf - Azure Kuberentes Service: Lessons Learned
less than a minute
DOSConf - Shhhhh: Secrets Should Stay Secret
less than a minute
Netcoreconf Barcelona - Shhhhh: Secrets Should Stay Secret
less than a minute
Netcoreconf Galicia - Decoupling your Application with .NET Core, Azure and Events
less than a minute
Scale a Kubernetes Deployment with .NET Core
2 minute read
NetConf Barcelona - Decoupling your Application with .NET Core, Azure and Events
less than a minute
Updated Step by step: Serilog with ASP.NET Core
2 minute read
Develop and build ASP.NET Core applications to run on Kubernetes with Draft
2 minute read
Revisiting Docker Multi Stage Builds to build an ASP.NET Core Echo Server
2 minute read
Adding SourceLink to your .NET Core Library
3 minute read
.NET Core, BenchmarkDotNet: for vs foreach performance
3 minute read
.NET Core, BenchmarkDotNet and string compare performance
3 minute read
Simple Machine Learning with .NET Core Sample
3 minute read
.NET Core, Code Analysis and StyleCop with dotnet-addcasa
less than a minute
Using Docker Multi Stage Builds to build an ASP.NET Core Echo Server
2 minute read
Microsoft MVP Global Summit 2018 Experience
2 minute read
Run a Durable Azure Function in a Container
4 minute read
Run a Precompiled .NET Core Azure Function in a Container
4 minute read
The following code shows you the structure of the console app we created and will help you Prepare a .Net Core Console App for Docker
2 minute read
A small .NET Core CLI and MSBUILD Cheat Sheet
2 minute read
Toggle Raspberry Pi GPIO Pins with ASP.NET Core 2.0
2 minute read
.NET Core, Code Analysis and StyleCop
3 minute read
4 minute read
Read Azure Service Health Activity Logs with .NET Core
3 minute read
Run ASP.NET Core on OpenShift
3 minute read
dotnet new templates for AWS Lambda and Raspberry Pi
less than a minute
Deploy your ASP.NET Core Web API to AWS Lambda
4 minute read
Step by step: .NET Core and Azure Cosmos DB
3 minute read
Start with Elasticssearch, Kibana and ASP.NET Core
2 minute read
Step by step: Kafka Pub/Sub with Docker and .Net Core
2 minute read
Step by step: Couchbase Lite with .Net Core
2 minute read
Step by step: Couchbase with .Net Core
2 minute read
Raspberry Pi: Run ASP.NET Core on Startup
less than a minute
Step by step: Running ASP.NET Core on Raspberry Pi
2 minute read
Twilio with .NET Core
2 minute read
Create a class with .NET Core and Roslyn
2 minute read
.NET Core Health Endpoint Monitoring Middleware
3 minute read
.NET Core, Roslyn and Code Generation
3 minute read
.Net Core and NancyFX: can writing a WebApi get any simpler?
3 minute read
Debug ASP.NET Core on Docker with Visual Studio Code
3 minute read
First steps with .NET Core Tools MSBuild “alpha”
3 minute read
Step by step: Expose ASP.NET Core over HTTPS with Docker
3 minute read
Step by step: Scale ASP.NET Core with Docker Swarm
2 minute read
Use .NET Core to Create Azure Blob Storage SAS Keys
2 minute read
Deal with time dependencies in Tests
3 minute read
Step by step: ASP.NET Core on Docker
2 minute read
Step by step: Serilog with ASP.NET Core
2 minute read
.NET Core and Microsoft Bot Framework
4 minute read
Create vCard QR Codes using Azure Functions
3 minute read
Detect and Blur Faces with .NET Core and Face API
4 minute read
Step by step: Entity Framework Core and Shadow Properties
5 minute read
Step by step: .NET Core, Azure Service Bus and AMQP
4 minute read
Step by step: .NET Core and Entity Framework Core
3 minute read
Add Swagger to your .NET Core Web API
less than a minute
Remove RavenDb’s API from Swagger
less than a minute
NHInsights an OracleManagedDataClientDriver for NHibernate and Application Insights
2 minute read
Cloud Design Patterns: Prepara tu aplicación para Azure
less than a minute
Export Azure Resource Groups Templates
2 minute read
EasyAzureServiceBus: easy Service Bus 1.1 for Windows Server
less than a minute
Private Nuget Server responds with (405) Method Not Allowed while pushing or deleting a package
less than a minute
Prepare your App for Windows Azure! Create a custom Configuration Manager!
2 minute read
netDumbster another .Net Fake SMTP server based on Dumbster
less than a minute
NHibernate.Linq Issue when a query is executed having the same alias but with different associations paths
less than a minute
Running Apache behind an IIS server. .Net Solution
2 minute read
Rhino Mocks Method ‘YYY’ requires a return value or an exception to throw.
less than a minute
Officially now I’m part of xVal.WebForms developers team.
less than a minute
xVal.WebForms, Validation Groups and CausesValidation Part II
less than a minute
xVal.WebForms, Validation Groups and CausesValidation
less than a minute
Using xVal, CSLA.NET and DataAnnotations.
less than a minute
Upgrade xVal.WebForms 0.1 to use xVal.1.0 (Validation Summary Support)
less than a minute
Issue in non Generic Execute Method in DbLinq.Data.Linq.Implementation.QueryProvider
less than a minute