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AI Tour: LLMOps con enfoque en el código del prototipo a la producción
·22 words·1 min
ai llmops prompty python promtflow
A talk on LLMOps and how to use Prompty to experiment, build and test a prototype and then deploy it to production.
Interactuando con la IA en el mundo real
·17 words·1 min
dotnet kubernetes dotnet container apps dapr
Talk on how to use .NET, Azure Container Apps and Dapr to build modern and intellignet applications.
Modernizing your applications .NET with containers and serverless
·13 words·1 min
dotnet kubernetes dotnet container apps dapr
Use .NET, Azure Container Apps and Dapr to build modern and intellignet applications.
Create, Build, and Run .NET 7 WASM apps
·35 words·1 min
dotnet kubernetes dotnet kubernetes wasm
In this talk, we’ll look at how to create, build and run a server-side WebAssembly app in C#. Then we’ll push the resulting WASM binary to Azure Container Registry and run the app in Kubernetes!
Meet Azure Container Apps
·63 words·1 min
azure dapr azure container apps
After years talking about Kubernetes, Dapr and KEDA, it’s time to run our microservices and containerized applications on a true serverless platform: Azure Containers Apps. In this session you’ll learn: Basic concepts: environments, containers and revisions. The benefits of built-in support for Dapr & KEDA How to use managed identities. How to secure and monitor your platform Fast Forward the video to: 4:24:00
Overcoming Event-driven Microservices challenges with Dapr
azure dapr
Cloning your world with Azure & Minecraft
azure dapr minecraft
dotNET 2021: Event driven Microservices with Dapr and .NET
·81 words·1 min
azure dotnet dapr
Microservices architectures are inherently distributed and building such solutions always bring interesting challenges to the table: resilient service invocation, distributed transactions, on-demand scaling, idempotent message processing and more. Deploying Microservices on Kubernetes doesn’t solve these problems and Developers need to learn and use SDK’s on top of frameworks such as .NET, while building distributed Microservices architectures.
KCD 2021: Event driven Microservices with Dapr and .NET
·81 words·1 min
azure dotnet dapr
Microservices architectures are inherently distributed and building such solutions always bring interesting challenges to the table: resilient service invocation, distributed transactions, on-demand scaling, idempotent message processing and more. Deploying Microservices on Kubernetes doesn’t solve these problems and Developers need to learn and use SDK’s on top of frameworks such as .NET, while building distributed Microservices architectures.
Use Azure Landing Zones to rule them all
·10 words·1 min
azure landingzone
A talk (Spanish) on Azure Landing Zones and Enterprise-scale Architecture
Extending Azure Functions with Dapr
·50 words·1 min
azure dapr functions
Azure Functions provides you with an event-driven programming model and Dapr a set of essential cloud-native building blocks that you can use together to create great solutions. Joins Carlos and create a solution that reads tweets, stores them in a database, access secrets, uses pub/sub between functions and much more!
Dapr y Azure Functions
·8 words·1 min
azure dotnet dapr functions serverless
A talk (Spanish) on Dapr and Azure Functions
Infrastructure as Code War
·32 words·1 min
azure kubernetes dotnet netcoreconf terraform ansible arm pulumi
Let’s see how Azure ARM, Terraform, Azure Service Operator for Kubernetes and other solutions compare to each other so you can choose the right weapon to win the Infrastructure as Code War!
The k8s Workshop
·49 words·1 min
azure kubernetes dotnet netcoreconf terraform ansible arm pulumi
In this workshop you’ll learn how to deploy, monitor, scale, secure and debug workloads in AKS: Deploy an aplication. Configure monitoring and health checks for your application. Scale your application to meet demand. Enable SSL/TLS with an ingress controller. Secret Management with AKS & Keyvault. Debugging your Kubernetes application.
Microsoft Ignite 2020. ¿Qué hay de nuevo?
·47 words·1 min
azure kubernetes ignite
¿habéis visto todas las novedades del Ignite? Bueno, si no es así, estamos de enhorabuena porque nos hemos liado a la manta para contaros las novedades con el siguiente equipo: Carlos Mendible Josue Yeray Julián Santiago Porras David Vidal Sergio Parra Sergio Hernández Alberto Diaz Victor Estival
Azure Summer Talks Community
·50 words·1 min
azure kubernetes dapr
Como cada año CATzure organiza una mesa redonda con los mejores expertos de Azure de España para conversar sobre el cloud, desarrollo y todo aquello que os aptezca. Esta mesa redonda estuvo compuesta por: Carlos Lande Carlos Mendible Elena Salcedo Pallo Ana Maria Bisbe Nacho Fanjul Fernando Escolar Carles Alonso
Virtual Azure Community Day: Introducción a Dapr
·44 words·1 min
azure kubernetes dapr
Aprende junto a Carlos que es Dapr, y como utilizar este nuevo runtime para desarrollar soluciones basadas en microservicios, entendiendo como resuleve los retos que implican las nuevas arquitecturas, tanto en cloud como en edge: resiliencia, gestión de estado, secretos, eventos, service discovery, etc…
Programming for Kids with Microsoft MakeCode and Circuit Playground Express
·36 words·1 min
dotnet cpx makecode
Want to teach programming to your kids? Come and learn with Carlos Mendible and his daughter as they shows you Microsoft MakeCode to bring computer science to children using fun tutorials and Adafruit’s Circuit Playground Express.
The GitHub Actions Team
·50 words·1 min
azure kubernetes dapr github actions
En noviembre de 2019, algunos de los mejores desarrolladores de GitHub lanzaron la beta de GitHub Actions, la solución para CI/CD de GitHub. No tardo en popularizarse entre los mejores desarrolladores de cualquier entorno… Si te apetece usarlo y puedes permitírtelo, mirate este video donde acompaño a Sergion Navarro Pino:
Code Academy - Entrevista a Carlos Mendible
·75 words·1 min
azure kubernetes dotnet
¿Quieres conocer a un MVP desde dentro? El programa Microsoft Most Valuable Professional es un premio otorgado por Microsoft a los líderes más valiosos en las comunidades destacados como reconocimiento a su labor voluntaria en compartir sus conocimientos en la comunidad. En este webinar con formato entrevista, Carlos Mendible, Microsoft MVP Azure & Developer Technologies, nos cuenta su trayectoria profesional, nos da sus consejos y sus puntos de vista de la situación del mercado actual.