Twilio with .NET Core

Last night after reading this tweet, I decided to try out Twilio with .NET Core Let’s create the sample console app: Create the application Open a command prompt and run 1 md twilio.console 2 cd twilio.console 3 dotnet new 4 dotnet restore 5 code . Replace the contents of project.json Replace the contents on...

Create a class with .NET Core and Roslyn

After my post first post on: Code Generation I decided to go a bit further, so today we’ll Create a class with .NET Core and Roslyn and write the output to the console. Let’s see: Create the application Open a command prompt and run 1 md roslyn.create.class 2 cd roslyn.create.class 3 dotnet new 4 dotnet restore 5 code...

Docker Machine with an existing Azure VNET

Last week I had to provision a Docker host and I tried out the docker-machine command. The resulting host would have to use an existing Azure subnet from another resource group and I also needed to be able to reach the machine using it’s private IP. After reading the docs and playing for some minutes I came up with the...

.NET Core Health Endpoint Monitoring Middleware

Today I’ll show a simple example of how to create a .Net Core Health Endpoint Monitoring Middleware. If you need to know about the Health Endpoint Monitoring Pattern check: Create the application Open a command prompt and run 1 md service.status.middleware 2 cd...

Shadow IT a Digital Transformation Incubator

Shadow IT, defined as the use of IT systems, solutions and services inside organizations without explicit organizational approval, has always been seen as a problem and a huge risk for the enterprise. But what if I tell you that you should learn from Shadow IT and use it on your advantage instead of fighting it and...