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Carlos Mendible

Carlos Mendible

Father | Husband | Principal Cloud Solution Architect @Microsoft | Opinions are my own


Dapr: Reading local secrets with .NET 5
·308 words·2 mins
dotnet dapr secrets
Now that Dapr is about to hit version 1.0.0 let me show you how easy is to read secrets with a .NET 5 console application. Create a console application # dotnet new console -n DaprSecretSample cd DaprSecretSample Add a reference to the Dapr.Client library # dotnet add package Dapr.Client --prerelease Create a Secret Store component # Create a components folder and inside place a file named secretstore.yaml with the following contents:
What I Learned From Hacktoberfest 2020
·343 words·2 mins
kubernetes hacktoberfest
Hacktoberfest® is an open global event where people all around de globe contribute to open source projects. The idea behind Hacktoberfest® is great, in my opinion it encourages and motivates contributions specially from those who don’t know where to start with OSS, but saddly what we saw this year was many people, let’s call them trolls, spamming repos with useless pull requests in order to claim the nice tee. The Hacktoberfest® organization reacted quickly to fix the situation and the rules of the game have been changed: the event is now offically opt-in only for projects and mantainers.
Infrastructure as Code War
·32 words·1 min
azure kubernetes dotnet netcoreconf terraform ansible arm pulumi
Let’s see how Azure ARM, Terraform, Azure Service Operator for Kubernetes and other solutions compare to each other so you can choose the right weapon to win the Infrastructure as Code War!
The k8s Workshop
·49 words·1 min
azure kubernetes dotnet netcoreconf terraform ansible arm pulumi
In this workshop you’ll learn how to deploy, monitor, scale, secure and debug workloads in AKS: Deploy an aplication. Configure monitoring and health checks for your application. Scale your application to meet demand. Enable SSL/TLS with an ingress controller. Secret Management with AKS & Keyvault. Debugging your Kubernetes application.
Microsoft Ignite 2020. ¿Qué hay de nuevo?
·47 words·1 min
azure kubernetes ignite
¿habéis visto todas las novedades del Ignite? Bueno, si no es así, estamos de enhorabuena porque nos hemos liado a la manta para contaros las novedades con el siguiente equipo: Carlos Mendible Josue Yeray Julián Santiago Porras David Vidal Sergio Parra Sergio Hernández Alberto Diaz Victor Estival
Managing Terraform Cloud with .NET Core
·791 words·4 mins
dotnet terraform terraform cloud
Today I’m going to show you how to manage Terraform Cloud with .NET Core using the Tfe.NetClient library. The idea is to create a simple console application that will: Add GitHub as a VCS Provider. Create a Workspace conected to a GitHub repo where your Terraform files live. Create a variable in the workspace. Create a Run (Plan) based on the Terraform files Apply the Run. Tfe.NetClient is still in alpha and not every Terraform Cloud API or feature is present. Please feel free to submit any issues, bugs or pull requests.