ARM: Enable Container Monitoring Solution on an existing Log Analytics Workspace
Thursday, May 16, 2019 in 2019
less than a minute
Recently I had to update a bunch of Log Analytics Workspaces resources to enable the Container Monitoring Solution. So I came up with this ARM Template that I want to share with you: { "$schema": …
Running the Global Azure Bootcamp Science Lab in Kubernetes
Monday, April 22, 2019 in 2019
less than a minute
Next Saturday the Global Azure Bootcamp will be celebrated all over the world and as in previous years their will be a Science Lab where we’ll try to discover a planet!!!. Isn’t that cool? Well to make this fast you can run the Science …
AKS & Application Gateway: Expose more than one service in an ingress resource
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 in 2019
less than a minute
If you install the Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller for your AKS clusters you may want to expose more than one service through the same Public IP just changing the url path. In order to make this work you must use the backend-path-prefix …
AKS: Persistent Volume with existing Storage Account
Tuesday, April 16, 2019 in 2019
3 minute read
In order to deploy a Persistent Volume in your AKS cluster using an existing Storage Account you should take the following steps: Create a Storage Class with a reference to the Storage Account. Create a Secret with the credentials used to access the …
Kubernetes: Mount a file in your Pod using a ConfigMap
Sunday, February 10, 2019 in 2019
2 minute read
Lately I’ve been learning Go and this week I started a side project named kube-sherlock. The purpose of this small program is to list any pod that does not have the labels that your organization requires. For kube-sherlock I created a …
Updated Step by step: Serilog with ASP.NET Core
Monday, January 14, 2019 in 2019
2 minute read
Many of you come to my site to read the post Step by step: Serilog with ASP.NET Core which I wrote in 2016 and is completely out of date, so with this post I will show you how to setup Serilog to work with your ASP.NET Core 2.2 applications. Create …
AKS: Configure TLS termination with the http application routing addon
Thursday, January 10, 2019 in 2019
2 minute read
When you install a AKS cluster you can configure it to deploy the http application routing addon or you you can update an existing cluster to deploy it. Either way you end up with an NGINX Ingress Controller running, in the kube-system namespace of …
Prepare yourself to work in Cloud
Wednesday, December 19, 2018 in 2018
4 minute read
Nowadays it’s clear that IT trends such as serverless computing, containerization, cloud native apps, DevOps artificial intelligence, machine learning and both hybrid and multi-cloud solutions are becoming main stream or the “new …
Develop and build ASP.NET Core applications to run on Kubernetes with Draft
Sunday, November 18, 2018 in 2018
2 minute read
You start developing an ASP.NET Core application to run it in Kubernetes and suddenly you find yourself creating a docker file, building an image, pushing the image to a registry, creating both a deployment and a service definition for Kubernetes and …
Deploying Elastic Search, Fluentd, Kibana on AKS with Helm
Sunday, October 14, 2018 in 2018
less than a minute
For my recent talk at .NET Conf Madrid I managed to install Elastic Search, Fluentd and Kibana (EFK) as a logging solution for the AKS cluster I used in my demos. The fact is that such deployment was possible thanks to Tim Park and his post Logging …