AKS: Persistent Volume Claim with an Azure File Storage protected with a Private Endpoint

This post will show you the steps you’ll have to take to deploy an Azure Files Storage with a Private Endpoint and use it to create volumes for an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster: Create a bicep file to declare the Azure resources You’ll have to declare the following resources: A VNET with 2 subnets. One for the...

Running k3s inside WSL2 on a Surface Pro X

I’m a proud owner of a Surafe Pro X SQ2 which is an ARM64 device. If you’ve been reading me, you know I like to tinker with kubernetes and therefore I needed a solution for this device. I remembered reading about k3s a lightweight kubernetes distro built for IoT & Edge computing, and decided to give it a try....

Deploy AKS + Kubecost with Terraform

This morning I saw this tweet from Mr Brendan Burns: AKS Cost Monitoring and Governance With Kubecost https://t.co/OStwIBsuPp — brendandburns (@brendandburns) April 30, 2021 And I’m sure that once you also read through it, you’ll learn that you have to take several steps in order to achieve AKS Cost Monitoring and...

Deploy a Private Azure Cloud Shell with Terraform

By default Cloud Shell sessions run inside a container inside a Microsoft network separate from any resources you may have deployed in Azure. So what happens when you want to access services you have deployed inside a Virtual Network such as a private AKS cluster, a Virtual Machine or Private Endpoint enabled services?...