Deploy a Private Azure Cloud Shell with Terraform

By default Cloud Shell sessions run inside a container inside a Microsoft network separate from any resources you may have deployed in Azure. So what happens when you want to access services you have deployed inside a Virtual Network such as a private AKS cluster, a Virtual Machine or Private Endpoint enabled services?...

ASP.NET Core OpenTelemetry Logging

As you may know I’ve been collaborating with Dapr and I’ve learned that one of the things it enables you to do is to collect traces with the use of the OpenTelemetry Collector and push the events to Azure Application Insights. After some reading I went and check if I could also write my ASP.NET Core applications to log...

Dapr: Reading local secrets with .NET 5

Now that Dapr is about to hit version 1.0.0 let me show you how easy is to read secrets with a .NET 5 console application. Create a console application 1dotnet new console -n DaprSecretSample 2cd DaprSecretSample Add a reference to the Dapr.Client library 1dotnet add package Dapr.Client --prerelease Create a Secret...

What I Learned From Hacktoberfest 2020

Hacktoberfest® is an open global event where people all around de globe contribute to open source projects. The idea behind Hacktoberfest® is great, in my opinion it encourages and motivates contributions specially from those who don’t know where to start with OSS, but saddly what we saw this year was many people,...

Managing Terraform Cloud with .NET Core

Today I’m going to show you how to manage Terraform Cloud with .NET Core using the Tfe.NetClient library. The idea is to create a simple console application that will: Add GitHub as a VCS Provider. Create a Workspace conected to a GitHub repo where your Terraform files live. Create a variable in the workspace. Create a...