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Twilio with .NET Core
·297 words·2 mins
dotnet twilio
Last night after reading this tweet, I decided to try out Twilio with .NET Core Your feedback led to the newly redesigned C# helper library. See what's new and take it for a spin here: — twilio (@twilio) February 28, 2017 Let’s create the sample console app: Create the application # Open a command prompt and run
Create a class with .NET Core and Roslyn
·429 words·3 mins
dotnet roslyn
After my post first post on: Code Generation I decided to go a bit further, so today we’ll Create a class with .NET Core and Roslyn and write the output to the console. Let’s see: Create the application # Open a command prompt and run
Docker Machine with an existing Azure VNET
·106 words·1 min
azure docker
Last week I had to provision a Docker host and I tried out the docker-machine command. The resulting host would have to use an existing Azure subnet from another resource group and I also needed to be able to reach the machine using it’s private IP. After reading the docs and playing for some minutes I came up with the correct command to use Docker Machine with an existing Azure VNET:
.NET Core Health Endpoint Monitoring Middleware
·516 words·3 mins
dotnet monitoring
Today I’ll show a simple example of how to create a .Net Core Health Endpoint Monitoring Middleware. If you need to know about the Health Endpoint Monitoring Pattern check: Create the application # Open a command prompt and run
Shadow IT a Digital Transformation Incubator
·344 words·2 mins
management cloud
Shadow IT, defined as the use of IT systems, solutions and services inside organizations without explicit organizational approval, has always been seen as a problem and a huge risk for the enterprise. But what if I tell you that you should learn from Shadow IT and use it on your advantage instead of fighting it and suppressing it?
.NET Core, Roslyn and Code Generation
·485 words·3 mins
dotnet roslyn
For ages I’ve been using T4 templates as main tool for code generation and scaffolding, but now that I’m an absolute fan of Visual Studio Code and .Net Core I need to explore other options such as Yeoman, Scripty and Roslyn. This post is just the result of my first and simplest experiment with .Net Core, Roslyn and Code Generation.
.Net Core and NancyFX: can writing a WebApi get any simpler?
·581 words·3 mins
dotnet aspnetcore nancyfx
Last Thursday I attended a Meetup hosted by my friends of @MsCodersMadrid in Madrid where, thanks to @snavarropino, I learned a bit about the NancyFX open source framework. I really couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw how simple it is to use NancyFX to write a Web API. Two of the things that got my attention were: the out of the box content negotiation and zero configuration dependency injection.
The Value of Online Influencer
·329 words·2 mins
management cloud
I’ve been watching Black Mirror, a Netflix Original Series with a profound message which makes the spectator think and really reflect on how technology and social networks are transforming our lives through a series of non-related episodes. In one of the episodes, people live in a world where the more social influence they have (i.e. number of Facebook likes, followers or likes in Twitter, etc.) the more they can achieve or buy.
Debug ASP.NET Core on Docker with Visual Studio Code
·455 words·3 mins
devops dotnet aspnetcore debugging visual studio code
Last Thursday I started reading the Free eBook: “Containerized Docker Application Lifecycle with Microsoft Tools and Platform” by Cesar de la Torre. The book is really easy to read and really gives the reader a glimpse on the way to approach the overall application lifecycle when using containers and Microsoft Technologies. One of the interesting things he mentions is the ability to debug your source code inside a container using Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code, so I decided to try it out and Debug ASP.NET Core on Docker with Visual Studio Code
First steps with .NET Core Tools MSBuild "alpha"
·518 words·3 mins
dotnet msbuild
On November 16th, Microsoft announced the .NET Core Tools MSBuild"alpha". I’ve been developing .Net Core applications with Visual Studio Code for a while now, and I needed to try the new tooling. In this post I’ll show you which were my First steps with .NET Core Tools MSBuild “alpha” Installing .NET Core SDK 1.0 Preview 3 build 004056 # The first step was to install the new tools from: .NET Core SDK 1.0 Preview 3 build 004056
Step by step: Expose ASP.NET Core over HTTPS with Docker
·442 words·3 mins
azure dotnet aspnetcore docker https Kestrel openssl
This week I decided to modify the sample of my previous post: Step by step: Scale ASP.NET Core with Docker Swarm so you can add TLS to your ASP.NET Core applications and Dockerize it. Let’s see how I changed the application in order to make it work: Add HTTPS support for Kestrel # I added the following line to the dependencies in the project.json file.
Step by step: Scale ASP.NET Core with Docker Swarm
·388 words·2 mins
azure dotnet aspnetcore docker
A few weeks ago I posted Step by step: ASP.NET Core on Docker were I showed how to build and run a Docker image with an ASP.NET Core application. Today I bring you: Step by step: Scale ASP.NET Core with Docker Swarm so you can scale out or in the same application. Assuming you have Docker 1.12 or later installed and running, follow this steps:
Use .NET Core to Create Azure Blob Storage SAS Keys
·270 words·2 mins
azure dotnet storage account
If you intend to use the WindowsAzure.Storage library with .Net Core you’ll hit a"compatibility wall" trying to make it work. So how can we use .Net Core to Create Azure Blob Storage SAS Keys? Add the System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms dependency # Add the following dependency in your project.json file
Is Privacy Dead?
·450 words·3 mins
management cloud
I started the day in a coffee shop. I got a nice spot with a window right next to me. As I take out my Surface Book and turn it on, in a matter of seconds my face is recognized so I don’t have to use the keyboard to login. A couple of minutes later Cortana reminds me that
Deal with time dependencies in Tests
·493 words·3 mins
dotnet unit tests xunit
Las week we discovered that some of our test would"randomly" fail depending of the time of the day. After investigating the issue we found that the culprit was that the service being tested was taking decisions based on the current system time (DateTime.Now) leading to different outcomes through the day. So how do we deal with time dependencies in tests?
Get Ready: Exam 70-533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions
·291 words·2 mins
azure certifications exam
This week I cleared the 70-533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions exam, and I want to share with you tips about the exam and the resources I used to study: Should you take the exam? If you are an Infrastructure Geek, Developer or Software Architect looking to validate your Microsoft Azure skills then this exam is for you. Also note that Microsoft expects you to:
Step by step: ASP.NET Core on Docker
·287 words·2 mins
azure dotnet aspnetcore docker
This week I have to give an introductory talk on DevOps and Docker and therefore I decided to prepare a simple Step by step: ASP.NET Core on Docker sample. Assuming you have Docker installed and running, follow these 4 simple steps: Create a dockerfile # On your Docker box create a dockerfile with the following contents
Step by step: Serilog with ASP.NET Core
·256 words·2 mins
dotnet aspnetcore
NOTE: This post is out of date. Please read: Updated Step by step: Serilog with ASP.NET Core for an update. # Last week I wrote about .NET Core and Microsoft Bot Framework and I’m still learning and playing with it. The thing is that once I implemented more features and deployed the bot to Azure it didn’t work. So I had to find a way to log and trace what was happening in order to diagnose and fix the problem.
.NET Core and Microsoft Bot Framework
·782 words·4 mins
dotnet aspnetcore bot framewok
Today I’ll show you how to create a simple Skype bot that will reply with the same text message you send to it. You’ll be using .Net Core and Microsoft Bot Framework. As you already know not every library has been ported to .Net Core so you’ll have to use the Microsoft Bot Connector API – v3.0 to bring the bot to life.
Create vCard QR Codes using Azure Functions
·550 words·3 mins
azure dotnet azure functions serverless
Today I’ll show you how to develop a Web API to Create vCard QR Codes using Azure Functions. But wait what are Azure Functions? As defined by Microsoft: Azure Functions is a serverless event driven experience that extends the existing Azure App Service platform. These nano-services can scale based on demand and you pay only for the resources you consume.