Step by step: .NET Core, Azure Service Bus and AMQP
·729 words·4 mins
service bus
Today I’ll show you how to create a small console application with a Step by step: .NET Core, Azure Service Bus and AMQP example.
First be aware of the following prerequisites:
**OS** **Prerequisites** Windows Windows: You must have .NET Core SDK for Windows or both Visual Studio 2015 Update 3* and .NET Core 1.0 for Visual Studio installed. linux, mac or docker checkout .NET Core You will also need an Azure Service Bus namespace, topic and subscription with the correct set of credentials. (Start here: How to use Service Bus topics and subscriptions if you don’t know how to configure the Service Bus)
Step by step: .NET Core and Entity Framework Core
·524 words·3 mins
entity framework
Today I’ll show you how to create a small console application with a Step by step: .NET Core and Entity Framework Core example.
First be aware of the following prerequisites:
**OS** **Prerequisites** Windows Windows: You must have .NET Core SDK for Windows or both Visual Studio 2015 Update 3* and .NET Core 1.0 for Visual Studio installed. linux, mac or docker checkout .NET Core Now let’s start:
Add Swagger to your .NET Core Web API
·195 words·1 min
Last week .NET Core was released, and the first thing I tried to solve was how to Add Swagger to your .NET Core Web API:
Dependencies # At the time of writing you should add the following dependency to your project.json file
Remove RavenDb's API from Swagger
·156 words·1 min
I’ve been working on a small IoT project where we expose a simple REST API and use RavenDB Embedded as the database. Once we enabled Swagger on our project we noticed that the generated documentation was not only showing our API but those exposed by RavenDB too. So the question came up: how can we Remove RavenDb’s API from Swagger Documentation?
Stop or Start all WebApps in your Azure subscription
·409 words·2 mins
app service
Stop or Start all WebApps in your Azure subscription with Stop-Start-All-WebApps.ps1 a simple PowerShell workflow runbook that will help you automate the process of stopping or starting every single WebApp (Website) you’ve deployed.
The script receives two required parameters:
Stop: If set to true stop the WebApps (Websites) otherwise start the WebApps (Websites) CredentialAssetName: The name of a valid Credential Asset (AutomationPSCredential) you must have previously configured. As you can see below, the script is quite simple and uses the following PowerShell Activities and Cmdlets:
Backup your Team Services Git Repositories with VSTS Vault
·427 words·3 mins
Backup your Team Services Git Repositories with VSTS Vault: A simple windows service or console application designed to keep a local copy of all your code.
Since January 2016 we’ve moved the source code of more than 30 projects to Git repositories hosted by Visual Studio Team Services.
Moving to the cloud has some downsides and one thing that kept us thinking was the need to be sure that in the event of an internet connection failure or a Team Services outage we would be able to access our code and deploy hot fixes for our applications as part of our data protection plan.
NHInsights an OracleManagedDataClientDriver for NHibernate and Application Insights
·238 words·2 mins
application insights
Let’s talk about NHInsights an OracleManagedDataClientDriver for NHibernate and Application Insights
If you use Oracle and NHibernate and you are trying to use Application Insights to diagnose issues with your database calls you will notice that for ASP.NET applications the out-of-the-box dependency monitor currently reports calls to these types of dependencies:
Create an Azure Site to Site VPN
·549 words·3 mins
site to site
In this post I’ll just show the list of PowerShell commands needed to Create an Azure Site to Site VPN and give you some tips when using a Check Point Security Gateway.
First things first! so if you have not installed and configured Azure PowerShell go for it: How to install and configure Azure PowerShell
Cloud Design Patterns: Prepara tu aplicación para Azure
·94 words·1 min
global azure
En esta sesión: Cloud Design Patterns: Prepara tu aplicación para Azure discutiremos los beneficios de aplicar patrones en el desarrollo de aplicaciones para la nube y los problemas que estos intentan resolver: disponibilidad, escalabilidad, resiliencia, seguridad, etc..
Esta es la agenda:
Design for the Cloud Problem Areas in the Cloud Availability
Export Azure Resource Groups Templates
·220 words·2 mins
One of the great things about Azure is the possibility to Export Azure Resource Groups Templates. Each template is a json file containing the exact configuration of the services you’ve provisioned in a Resource Group.
Using this templates you can treat your Infrastructure as code and repeatedly deploy your application during every stage of the application lifecycle in the same way, each and every time.
Get Ready: Exam 70-532 Developing Microsoft Azure Solutions
·302 words·2 mins
Yesterday I cleared the **70-532 Develping Microsoft Azure Solutions **exam, and I want to share with you tips about the exam and the resources I used to study:
Should you take the exam?
If you are a Developer or Software Architect looking to validate your Microsoft Azure skills then this exam is for you. Also note that Microsoft expects you to:
Application Insights Analytics
·330 words·2 mins
application insights
For the last couple of months I’ve been using Application Insights to monitor, detect and diagnose performance issues in our applications. Last week I noticed that the Analytics button on the Application Insights blade was working:
Once you click it, your browser will open the Application Insights Analytics page with the following taxonomy:
Hiring a DevOps?
·407 words·2 mins
Over the last couple of months, I’ve noticed that a lot of companies are trying to hire DevOps Engineers or DevOps Experts and I have to ask what are these companies looking for?
Reading some of the job descriptions I found out that some are looking for experts on the tooling associated with infrastructure automation such as Chef or Puppet while others search for Developers with infrastructure knowledge.
EasyAzureServiceBus: easy Service Bus 1.1 for Windows Server
·186 words·1 min
service bus
A couple of years ago I started to work with one of my clients to implement an on-premises Service Bus solution.
While investigating the options I discovered a nice library, EasyNetQ: an easy .NET API for RabbitMQ, which inspired me to create a very similar project to simplify the use of pub/sub messaging with Service Bus 1.1 for Windows Server.
Get Ready: Exam 70-534 Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions
·355 words·2 mins
I recently passed the 70-534 Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions exam, and I want to share with you tips about the exam and the resources I used to study:
Should you take the exam?
If you are a Solutions or Software Architect looking to validate your Microsoft Azure skills then this exam is for you. Also note that Microsoft expects you to:
Book: PMP Rapid Review by Sean Whitaker
·225 words·2 mins
Four months ago I cleared the PMP exam as part of a program launched by @SogetiSpain and I want to share with you that the book: “PMP Rapid Review" by Sean Whitaker was key to success.
"#PMP Rapid Review" by @SeanWhitakerPM was like an ETL placed between the #PMBOK & my brain. Guess what? I cleared the exam! cc @MSLearning
VSTS Git Credential Manager
·178 words·1 min
Since the year started I’ve been working hard with Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) with Git as source control. I was getting tired of entering my git credentials on each clone, pull or push, on Windows or Mac OS X, so this weekend I decided to surf the web and look for a multi-platform solution.
Help! I just Inherited Code
·685 words·4 mins
You just inherited someone else’s code and you feel like the task is going to be impossible. You are overwhelmed by the lack of documentation, you also find out that there are no tests in place and you wonder how on earth you will make the requested changes without breaking things. Yes you are scared!
When will Singularity happen?
·370 words·2 mins
Maybe I was 12 when I listened to ‘Mr Roboto’ by Styx for the last time. The song was recorded for the album ‘Kilroy Was Here’ in 1982. That was 11 years before the first release of the Mosaic web browser, 17 before the term ‘Internet of Things’ was coined and approximately 30 years before the rise of IoT.
Live Long and Prosper: Apply Four Simple Programming Principles
·499 words·3 mins
Any application that is critical to running the mainstream operation of a business can be considered a mission critical application. These applications should be sustainable, maintainable, flexible and adaptable to keep up with the pace of today’s evolving nature of business.
“Change is the essential process of all existence.” — As aptly stated by Mr. Spock in Star Trek: The Original Series.