AKS: Open Service Mesh Traffic Access Control

In my previous post AKS: Open Service Mesh & mTLS, I described how to deploy an AKS cluster with Open Service Mesh enabled, and how: Easy is to onboard applications onto the mesh by enabling automatic sidecar injection of Envoy proxy. OSM enables secure service to service communication. This time I’ll show you that...

AKS: Open Service Mesh & mTLS

Open Service Mesh (OSM) is a lightweight and extensible cloud native service mesh, easy to install and configure and with features as mTLS to secure your microservice environments. Now that Open Service Mesh (OSM) integration with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is GA (Check the announcement) I’ll show you not only to...

AKS: Persistent Volume Claim with an Azure File Storage protected with a Private Endpoint

This post will show you the steps you’ll have to take to deploy an Azure Files Storage with a Private Endpoint and use it to create volumes for an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster: Create a bicep file to declare the Azure resources You’ll have to declare the following resources: A VNET with 2 subnets. One for the...