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Prepare yourself to work in Cloud
·700 words·4 mins
azure cloud
Nowadays it’s clear that IT trends such as serverless computing, containerization, cloud native apps, DevOps artificial intelligence, machine learning and both hybrid and multi-cloud solutions are becoming main stream or the “new normal”. All businesses, big or small, are looking for cloud experts with key skills in many of these hot trends. With serverless architectures, applications are separated into various individual functions which are triggered by different types of events. This changes the way we normally think about applications and also the way we must approach operations in terms of monitoring performance, tracing, scaling and high availability. Good knowledge of AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions, and event-driven architectures are skills employers will be looking for.
Shadow IT a Digital Transformation Incubator
·344 words·2 mins
management cloud
Shadow IT, defined as the use of IT systems, solutions and services inside organizations without explicit organizational approval, has always been seen as a problem and a huge risk for the enterprise. But what if I tell you that you should learn from Shadow IT and use it on your advantage instead of fighting it and suppressing it?
The Value of Online Influencer
·329 words·2 mins
management cloud
I’ve been watching Black Mirror, a Netflix Original Series with a profound message which makes the spectator think and really reflect on how technology and social networks are transforming our lives through a series of non-related episodes. In one of the episodes, people live in a world where the more social influence they have (i.e. number of Facebook likes, followers or likes in Twitter, etc.) the more they can achieve or buy.
Is Privacy Dead?
·450 words·3 mins
management cloud
I started the day in a coffee shop. I got a nice spot with a window right next to me. As I take out my Surface Book and turn it on, in a matter of seconds my face is recognized so I don’t have to use the keyboard to login. A couple of minutes later Cortana reminds me that
Benefits and Risks You Need to Know about Cloud Computing
·701 words·4 mins
management security cloud
We know that cloud computing is “the new normal” just like virtualization was in the past. And we also know that the adoption of cloud computing by your organization can come with a series of benefits including: Reduced IT costs: You can reduce both CAPEX and OPEX when moving to the cloud. Scalability: In this fast changing world it is important to be able to scale up or down your solutions depending on the situation and your needs without having to purchase or install hardware or upgrades all by yourself. Business continuity: when you store data in the cloud, you ensure it is backed-up and protected which in turn helps with your continuity plan cause in the event of a crisis you’ll be able to minimize any downtime and loss of productivity. Collaboration: Cloud services allow you share files and communicate with employees and third-parties in this highly globalized world and in a timely manner. Flexibility: Cloud computing allows employees to be more flexible in their work practices cause it’s simpler to access data from home or virtually any place with an internet connection. Automatic updates: When consuming SaaS you’ll be using the latest version of the product avoiding the pain and expensive costs associated with software or hardware upgrades. But once you ask yourself: what can possibly go wrong? You open your eyes to a “cloudy weather” where you must plan, identify, analyze, manage and control the risks associated with moving your data and operations to the cloud. To help you with the identification process, here is a list of risks that your organization can face once you start or continue the transition to the cloud:
Cloud Design Patterns: Prepara tu aplicación para Azure
·94 words·1 min
azure dotnet cloud global azure
En esta sesión: Cloud Design Patterns: Prepara tu aplicación para Azure discutiremos los beneficios de aplicar patrones en el desarrollo de aplicaciones para la nube y los problemas que estos intentan resolver: disponibilidad, escalabilidad, resiliencia, seguridad, etc.. Esta es la agenda: Design for the Cloud Problem Areas in the Cloud Availability
Hiring a DevOps?
·407 words·2 mins
management devops cloud
Over the last couple of months, I’ve noticed that a lot of companies are trying to hire DevOps Engineers or DevOps Experts and I have to ask what are these companies looking for? Reading some of the job descriptions I found out that some are looking for experts on the tooling associated with infrastructure automation such as Chef or Puppet while others search for Developers with infrastructure knowledge.