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cloud shell

Deploy a Private Azure Cloud Shell with Terraform
·932 words·5 mins
azure terraform cloud shell
By default Cloud Shell sessions run inside a container inside a Microsoft network separate from any resources you may have deployed in Azure. So what happens when you want to access services you have deployed inside a Virtual Network such as a private AKS cluster, a Virtual Machine or Private Endpoint enabled services?
Running Ansible Azure playbook in Azure Cloud Shell
·150 words·1 min
azure devops ansible cloud shell
NOTE: The issue described in this post was fixed!!! (ansible 2.5.2 and Azure CLI 2.0.34) # Last week I tried to run this simple Ansible playbook in Azure Cloud Shell: # resource_group.yml # Create test resource group in west europe - name: Create a Resource Group hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: no tasks: - name: Create Resource Group azure_rm_resourcegroup: location: westeurope name: test state: present The first attempt to run the playbook with: