container insights
AKS: Container Insights Pod Requests and Limits
·602 words·3 mins
azure monitor
log analytics
container insights
Today I’ll show you how to use Container Insights and Azure Monitor to check your AKS cluster for pods without requests and limits.
You’ll need to use the following tables and fields:
KubePodInventory: Table that stores kubernetes cluster’s Pod & container information ClusterName: ID of the kubernetes cluster from which the event was sourced Computer: Computer/node name in the cluster that has this pod/container. Namespace: Kubernetes Namespace for the pod/container ContainerName:This is in poduid/containername format. Perf: Performance counters from Windows and Linux agents that provide insight into the performance of hardware components operating systems and applications. ObjectName: Name of the performance object. CounterName: Name of the performance counter. CounterValue: The value of the counter And take a close look at the following Objects and Counters: