Microservices architectures are inherently distributed and building such solutions always bring interesting challenges to the table: resilient service invocation, distributed transactions, on-demand scaling, idempotent message processing and more. Deploying Microservices on Kubernetes doesn’t solve these problems and...

Azure Functions provides you with an event-driven programming model and Dapr a set of essential cloud-native building blocks that you can use together to create great solutions. Joins Carlos and create a solution that reads tweets, stores them in a database, access secrets, uses pub/sub between functions and much more!...

Dapr: Reading local secrets with .NET 5

Now that Dapr is about to hit version 1.0.0 let me show you how easy is to read secrets with a .NET 5 console application. Create a console application 1dotnet new console -n DaprSecretSample 2cd DaprSecretSample Add a reference to the Dapr.Client library 1dotnet add package Dapr.Client --prerelease Create a Secret...

Como cada año CATzure organiza una mesa redonda con los mejores expertos de Azure de España para conversar sobre el cloud, desarrollo y todo aquello que os aptezca. Esta mesa redonda estuvo compuesta por: Carlos Lande Carlos Mendible Elena Salcedo Pallo Ana Maria Bisbe Nacho Fanjul Fernando Escolar Carles Alonso