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Revisiting Docker Multi Stage Builds to build an ASP.NET Core Echo Server
·252 words·2 mins
dotnet aspnetcore docker
On April I wrote a post about Using Docker Multi Stage Builds to build an ASP.NET Core Echo Server and these days while preparing a talk, on CI/CD and kubernetes, I started to play with the simple sample I wrote back then. Soon enough I noticed that with each docker build command I issued the dependencies for the echoserver were always restored, even if no changes were made to the project file (csproj).
Using Docker Multi Stage Builds to build an ASP.NET Core Echo Server
·390 words·2 mins
dotnet aspnetcore docker
Today I’ll show you how to create a simple Echo Server with ASP.NET Core and then a Docker Image using multi-stage build: Create the Application # Open a PowerShell promt and run: mkdir echoserver cd echoserver dotnet new console dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore -v 2.0.2 Replace the contents of Program.cs # Replace the contents of the Program.cs file with the following code:
Run a Durable Azure Function in a Container
·830 words·4 mins
azure dotnet docker azure functions serverless
Greetings readers! Hope you all a Happy New Year! Last post I was about running a Precompiled .NET Core Azure Function in a Container. This time let’s go one step further and Run a Durable Azure Function in a Container Prerequisites: Docker installed and basic knowledge. .NET Core Azure Storage Account Azure Durable Functions Knowledge Create a .NET Core lib project # Create a .NET Core lib project.
Run a Precompiled .NET Core Azure Function in a Container
·651 words·4 mins
azure dotnet docker azure functions serverless
So this morning I found my self browsing through the images Microsoft has published in the Docker Hub and then I saw this one: microsoft/azure-functions-runtime and decided to Run a Precompiled .NET Core Azure Function in a Container. Prerequisites: Docker installed and basic knowledge. .NET Core Create a .NET Core lib project # Create a .NET Core lib project.
Deploy your first Service to Azure Container Services (AKS)
·550 words·3 mins
azure kubernetes docker aks
In this post I’ll show you how to Deploy your first Service to Azure Container Services (AKS). Prerequisites: Azure CLI installed and basic knowledge experience. Docker installed and basic knowledge. Azure Subscription Kubernetes experience. Create a resource group: # Firt create a Resource Group. Be aware that at the time of writing AKS is not available in all Azure regions.
Prepare a .Net Core Console App for Docker
·248 words·2 mins
dotnet docker
Last week I had the luck to attend the Microsoft Azure OpenHack in Amsterdam. We spent two and a half days learning a lot about kubernetes, Azure Container Services, Azure Container Registry, Azure OMS and Minecraft! In one of the challenges we decided to implement a sidecar container for logging purposes. So using .NET Core we created a console application with proper handling of the"Control+C" and"Control+Break" key shortcuts.
Run ASP.NET Core on OpenShift
·443 words·3 mins
dotnet aspnetcore docker openshift
Today I’ll show you how to Run ASP.NET Core on OpenShift. First be aware of the following prerequisites: You’ll need a working Docker installation. If you are using Windows 10 you can get Docker for Windows here. Be sure to Disable TLS for for your Docker installation Be sure to set as an Insecure Registry in your Docker installation Be sure to set as a Registry Mirror in your Docker installation You’ll need download the oc Client Tools Note: If you want to learn about OpenShift and what can you do with it, I recommend the free book: Openshift for Developers.
Start with Elasticssearch, Kibana and ASP.NET Core
·398 words·2 mins
dotnet aspnetcore docker elastic search kibana serilog
You want to Start with Elasticssearch, Kibana and ASP.NET Core and also want to do it fast? Let’s use Docker and find out how easy it can be: Create a folder for your new project # Open a command prompt an run
Step by step: Kafka Pub/Sub with Docker and .Net Core
·419 words·2 mins
dotnet docker kafka
Last week I attended to a Kafka workshop and this is my attempt to show you a simple Step by step: Kafka Pub/Sub with Docker and .Net Core tutorial. Let’s start: Create a folder for your new project # Open a command prompt an run
Step by step: Couchbase Lite with .Net Core
·327 words·2 mins
dotnet couchbase docker
Not long after writing Step by step: Couchbase with .Net Core I discovered Couchbase Lite, which is still in development, but it looks like a great solution for embedded NoSQL scenarios. So let’s start with this simple: Step by step: Couchbase Lite with .Net Core tutorial. Create a folder for your new project # Open a command prompt an run
Step by step: Couchbase with .Net Core
·289 words·2 mins
dotnet couchbase docker
This week I started to read an understand how Couchbase works and that’s the reason I decided to write: Step by step: Couchbase with .Net Core Tip: I’ll be using Docker to install and run Couchbase Now let’s start: Create a folder for your new project # Open a command prompt an run
Docker Machine with an existing Azure VNET
·106 words·1 min
azure docker
Last week I had to provision a Docker host and I tried out the docker-machine command. The resulting host would have to use an existing Azure subnet from another resource group and I also needed to be able to reach the machine using it’s private IP. After reading the docs and playing for some minutes I came up with the correct command to use Docker Machine with an existing Azure VNET:
Step by step: Expose ASP.NET Core over HTTPS with Docker
·442 words·3 mins
azure dotnet aspnetcore docker https Kestrel openssl
This week I decided to modify the sample of my previous post: Step by step: Scale ASP.NET Core with Docker Swarm so you can add TLS to your ASP.NET Core applications and Dockerize it. Let’s see how I changed the application in order to make it work: Add HTTPS support for Kestrel # I added the following line to the dependencies in the project.json file.
Step by step: Scale ASP.NET Core with Docker Swarm
·388 words·2 mins
azure dotnet aspnetcore docker
A few weeks ago I posted Step by step: ASP.NET Core on Docker were I showed how to build and run a Docker image with an ASP.NET Core application. Today I bring you: Step by step: Scale ASP.NET Core with Docker Swarm so you can scale out or in the same application. Assuming you have Docker 1.12 or later installed and running, follow this steps:
Step by step: ASP.NET Core on Docker
·287 words·2 mins
azure dotnet aspnetcore docker
This week I have to give an introductory talk on DevOps and Docker and therefore I decided to prepare a simple Step by step: ASP.NET Core on Docker sample. Assuming you have Docker installed and running, follow these 4 simple steps: Create a dockerfile # On your Docker box create a dockerfile with the following contents