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Deploying Elastic Search, Fluentd, Kibana on AKS with Helm
·117 words·1 min
kubernetes azure aks elastic search kibana fluentd
For my recent talk at .NET Conf Madrid I managed to install Elastic Search, Fluentd and Kibana (EFK) as a logging solution for the AKS cluster I used in my demos. The fact is that such deployment was possible thanks to Tim Park and his post Logging with Fluentd, ElasticSearch, and Kibana (EFK) on Kubernetes on Azure where I learned that to effectively deploy EFK on AKS I would have to tweak the resource definitions found in the Kubernetes project.
Start with Elasticssearch, Kibana and ASP.NET Core
·398 words·2 mins
dotnet aspnetcore docker elastic search kibana serilog
You want to Start with Elasticssearch, Kibana and ASP.NET Core and also want to do it fast? Let’s use Docker and find out how easy it can be: Create a folder for your new project # Open a command prompt an run