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Kubernetes NGINX ingress controller with Dapr
·472 words·3 mins
kubernetes dapr nginx ingress controller
In this post I’ll show you how to expose your “Daprized” applications using and NGINX ingress controller. Prerequistes # A working kubernetes cluster with Dapr installed. If you need instructions please find them here Deploy an application to your Kubernetes cluster # I’ll be using a simple Azure Function I created back in 2017 in the following post: Run a Precompiled .NET Core Azure Function in a Container which exposes a simple validation function.
AKS: Configure TLS termination with the http application routing addon
·225 words·2 mins
kubernetes azure aks nginx ingress controller
When you install a AKS cluster you can configure it to deploy the http application routing addon or you you can update an existing cluster to deploy it. Either way you end up with an NGINX Ingress Controller running, in the kube-system namespace of your cluster, with the following properties: ingress-class: addon-http-application-routing annotations-prefix: Does this means that you can use this controller for TLS termination? The answer is yes! And you can also use rate limits, and whitelisting as described in my post Secure your Kubernetes services with NGINX ingress controller, tls and more.
Secure your Kubernetes services with NGINX ingress controller, tls and more.
·994 words·5 mins
kubernetes azure nginx ingress conroller
Disclaimer: samples provided in this post were tested both in Azure Container Services (AKS) and Kubernetes provided by Docker for Windows. In previous posts I showed you how to Run a Precompiled .NET Core Azure Function in a Container and how to Deploy your first Service to Azure Container Services (AKS). By now you should be able to run your own services in Kubernetes and starting to wonder about how can you give answers to questions such as: