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NHInsights an OracleManagedDataClientDriver for NHibernate and Application Insights
·238 words·2 mins
azure dotnet application insights nhibernate oracle
Let’s talk about NHInsights an OracleManagedDataClientDriver for NHibernate and Application Insights If you use Oracle and NHibernate and you are trying to use Application Insights to diagnose issues with your database calls you will notice that for ASP.NET applications the out-of-the-box dependency monitor currently reports calls to these types of dependencies:
NHibernate.Linq Issue when a query is executed having the same alias but with different associations paths
·94 words·1 min
dotnet nhibernate
When running a query like the following: var query = nhib-Arms.Where(a => a.LeftHand.Thumb.Length == 1 || a.RightHand.Thumb.Length == 1); Thumb alias was always taken as part of the a.LeftHand association path, therefore leading to wrong results. I’ve worked on patch and test to fix this issue, so Thumb alias is once part of the a.LeftHand association path and once as part of the a.RightHand association path.