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persistent volume claim

AKS: Resize Private Volume Claim to expand a Managed Premium Disk
·428 words·3 mins
azure kubernetes aks persistent volume claim managed disk
If you deployed a private volume claim using the managed-premium storage class, then ran out of space and now you are searching how to expand the disk to a larger disk, this is how you can do it from scratch: manage-premium storage class is a premium storage class that allows volume expansion: allowVolumeExpansion: true.
AKS: Persistent Volume Claim with an Azure File Storage protected with a Private Endpoint
·853 words·5 mins
kubernetes azure aks persistent volume claim azure files private endpoint
This post will show you the steps you’ll have to take to deploy an Azure Files Storage with a Private Endpoint and use it to create volumes for an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster: Create a bicep file to declare the Azure resources # You’ll have to declare the following resources:
AKS: Persistent Volume with existing Storage Account
·457 words·3 mins
kubernetes azure aks storage account persistent volume persistent volume claim storage class
In order to deploy a Persistent Volume in your AKS cluster using an existing Storage Account you should take the following steps: Create a Storage Class with a reference to the Storage Account. Create a Secret with the credentials used to access the Storage Account. Create a Persistent Volume with a reference to the Storage Class, the secret and the File Share. Create a Persistent Volume Claim with a reference to the volume by name. Use the following yaml as a template for the resources described above. Save the contents as aks-existing-storage-account-pv.yaml: