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visual studio code

Dapr: Debugging .NET Core with Visual Studio Code
·278 words·2 mins
dotnet azure dapr visual studio code debugging
So you are new to Dapr and you are trying to understand how it works with you .NET Core application. You already tried launching your app with the Dapr CLI and then you find yourself wondering on how to debug the mix with Visual Studio Code. Well, follow this simple steps and you’ll be ready:
Visual Studio Code Remote Containers: Jekyll
·482 words·3 mins
devops jekyll visual studio code
For the last 3 years this blog was written using Jekyll which has a series of requirements such as Ruby that I don’t want to keep installing or maintaining on my PC. So I created this Developer Container for those who want to use Jekyll from an isolated container. Let’s check the container definition:
Visual Studio Code Remote Containers: Azure Blockchain
·390 words·2 mins
azure devops blockchain truffle ganache nodejs ethereum visual studio code
After collaborating with the Azure Ansible container I decided to also develop a Developer Container for those who want or need to use the Azure Blockchain Development Kit for Ethereum to create smart contracts, taking away the burden of installing Python, Truffle, Ganache and NodeJS on your machine. Once again I collaborated with Chuck Lantz and the container definition resulted in the following two files:
Visual Studio Code Remote Containers: Azure Ansible
·558 words·3 mins
azure devops ansible visual studio code
Last year I was working on a project for deploying Azure services using Ansible, and let me tell you something: Back then a feature like Visual Studio Remote Containers would have helped us so much! Why? Because just installing Visual Studio Code, the Remote Development Extension Pack, and Docker you have a killer combo that makes it possible to create a Development environment in a snap and share it with your source code.
Debug ASP.NET Core on Docker with Visual Studio Code
·455 words·3 mins
devops dotnet aspnetcore debugging visual studio code
Last Thursday I started reading the Free eBook: “Containerized Docker Application Lifecycle with Microsoft Tools and Platform” by Cesar de la Torre. The book is really easy to read and really gives the reader a glimpse on the way to approach the overall application lifecycle when using containers and Microsoft Technologies. One of the interesting things he mentions is the ability to debug your source code inside a container using Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code, so I decided to try it out and Debug ASP.NET Core on Docker with Visual Studio Code