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AKS BYO VNET: Enabling NAP with Terraform
·625 words·3 mins
azure kubernetes aks containers terraform
Last year I wrote a post about Enabling NAP with Terraform. While the post is still valid, I wanted to write about an scenario that many of you might be facing: Enabling NAP when bringing your own VNET. So let’s learn how to create an AKS cluster and enable Node Autoprovisioning (NAP) with Terraform when bringing your own VNET.
Custom Evaluators with AI Foundry
·811 words·4 mins
azure aifoundry generativeai ai
In this post, we will explore how to create custom evaluators to evaluate your Generative AI application locally with the Azure AI Evaluation SDK. The results of the evaluation can be uploaded to your Azure AI Foundry project where you can visualize and track the results. Prerequisites # Before you begin, ensure you have the following:
Installing Chaos Mesh on AKS with Terraform
·830 words·4 mins
azure kubernetes chaos-mesh terraform
In this post, we will go through the steps required to install Chaos Mesh on an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster using Terraform. Chaos Mesh is a cloud-native Chaos Engineering platform that orchestrates chaos on Kubernetes environments. It is designed to be a scalable and extensible platform for chaos engineering. Chaos Mesh is required if you want to use Azure Chaos Studio to run chaos experiments on your AKS clusters.
Installing kro on AKS with Terraform
·1047 words·5 mins
azure kubernetes kro terraform
In this post, we will go through the steps required to install Kube Resource Orchestrator (kro) on an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster using Terraform. kro is an open-source project that enables you to define custom Kubernetes APIs using simple and straightforward configuration. Defining custom Kubernetes APIs is becoming essential to simplify the developer experience and increase productivity.
Installing Azure Service Operator on AKS with Terraform
·892 words·5 mins
azure kubernetes aso terraform
In this post, we will go through the steps required to install the Azure Service Operator (ASO) on an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster using Terraform. The Azure Service Operator is an open-source project that enables you to provision and manage Azure resources using Kubernetes custom resources. To install the Azure Service Operator on an AKS cluster, follow these steps:
Automate Azure Quick Review with GitHub Actions
·567 words·3 mins
azure azqr github-actions assessment
Today we will walk through a GitHub Actions workflow that automates the Azure Quick Review (azqr) scan process. This workflow is designed to run on a schedule, on push events to the main branch, and on pull requests to the main branch. Prerequisites # Before you start, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:
tinyproxy: a lightweight HTTP/HTTPS proxy server
·216 words·2 mins
azure tinyproxy
Tinyproxy is a lightweight HTTP/HTTPS proxy server designed to be fast and small. It is useful for scenarios where you need to set up a proxy server quickly and easily. Recently I used it to check what happens when a set of Azure domains are blocked (i.e. and it worked like a charm.
kubeadm: change the control plane IP
·641 words·4 mins
kubernetes kubeadm
In this post, we will go through the steps required to change the control plane IP of a Kubernetes cluster managed by kubeadm. This can be useful in scenarios where the IP address of the control plane node needs to be updated due to network changes or other reasons. To change the control plane IP of your Kubernetes cluster, follow these steps:
AKS: Static Egress Gateway with Terraform
·748 words·4 mins
azure kubernetes aks containers terraform
Let’s learn how to create an AKS cluster and enable Static Egress Gateway with Terraform. Static Egress Gateway in AKS provides a solution for configuring fixed source IP addresses for outbound traffic from your AKS workloads. This means you can use a specific range for egress traffic from specific workloads, whcih can be useful for scenarios like whitelisting IP addresses in a firewall.
Deploy Flex Consumption Azure Function with VNet Integration using Terraform
·1066 words·6 mins
azure flex consumption azure functions serverless terraform
The Flex Consumption plan for Azure Functions is a new hosting option that provides more flexibility and cost efficiency for running serverless applications. Unlike the traditional Consumption plan, which charges based on the number of executions and execution time, the Flex Consumption plan allows you to specify the maximum number of instances and memory allocation for your function app. This plan is ideal for scenarios where you need predictable performance and cost, as it enables you to control the scaling behavior of your functions more precisely.
AKS: Enabling NAP with Terraform
·425 words·2 mins
azure kubernetes aks containers terraform
Let’s learn how to create an AKS cluster and enable Node Autoprovisioning (NAP) with Terraform. Note: Since at the time of writing NAP is a preview feature, we will use the azapi provider to enable it. Creating an AKS cluster and enable Node Autoprovisioning (NAP) # Create a file called with the following contents:
Exploring AKS Automatic
·1209 words·6 mins
azure kubernetes aks containers
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Automatic is a new SKU that simplifies the management of your AKS clusters. With this SKU, Azure ensures that your cluster is production ready with built-in best practice and a great code to kubernetes experience. Creating an AKS Automatic cluster # Creating an AKS cluster with the Automatic SKU is as simple as running the following Azure CLI command:
AKS: Login with Azure CLI and Workload Identity
·972 words·5 mins
azure kubernetes aks terraform azure cli workload identity aad azure active directory
In this post I’ll show you how to setup Workload Identity in an AKS cluster using terraform and then deploy a pod with Azure CLI that you will use to login to Azure. Long story short: once workload identity is configured and enabled, kubernetes will inject 3 environment variables needed to login with Azure CLI:
AZQR: Azure Quick Review
·335 words·2 mins
azure azure compliance assessment azqr
What is Azure Quick Review? # If you are looking for a way to quickly assess the status and configuration of your Azure resources, you might want to try Azure Quick Review (azqr): a command-line interface (CLI) tool that scans your Azure resources and generates an Excel report with detailed information and recommendations based on Azure’s best practices.
Azure Function HTTP Trigger with Golang
·503 words·3 mins
azure golang azure functions serverless
Back in 2017 I wrote a post about how to run a precompiled .NET Core Azure Function in a container. Fast forward to 2023 and, as some of you know, I’ve been playing with Golang for a while now so I thought it was about time to translate the .NET code and make it work with Golang.
AKS: Simulate Spot Node Eviction
·732 words·4 mins
azure kubernetes aks terraform spot
When you deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service with a node pool composed by spot virtual machines, you are running a cluster with the risk of losing nodes based on the configuration you set. Eviction may occur based on capacity or max price. In this post I’ll show you how to deploy an AKS cluster with such configuration and simulate a node eviction. The exercise will help you understand the resiliency of your solution and how to query related events with log analytics.
AKS: Disable local accounts with Terraform
·833 words·4 mins
azure kubernetes aks terraform aad azure active directory
When deploying an AKS cluster, even if you configure RBAC or AAD integration, local accounts will be enabled by default. This means that, given the right set of permitions, a user will be able to run the az get-credentials command with the --admin flag which will give you a non-audtibale access to the cluster.
Protect your Node.js or .NET API with Azure Active Directory
·1404 words·7 mins
dotnet azure dotnet nodejs aad azure active directory
One question I often get from by my customers is how to use Azure Active Directroy to protect their Node.js or .NET APIs. Every single time I answer by redirecting them to this amazing post (Proteger una API en Node.js con Azure Active Directory), written in spanish, by my friend and peer Gisela Torres (0gis0).
Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server: Failover Test
·709 words·4 mins
azure mysql availabilty zones
Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server allows configuring high availability with automatic failover. With Zone-redundant HA your service has redundancy of infrastructure across multiple availability zones. Zone-redundant HA is preferred when you want to achieve the highest level of availability against any infrastructure failure in the availability zone and when latency across the availability zone is acceptable.
Azure Cache for Redis: Failover Test
·625 words·3 mins
azure redis availabilty zones
Azure Cache for Redis supports zone redundancy in its Premium and Enterprise tiers. A zone-redundant cache runs on VMs spread across multiple Availability Zones. It provides higher resilience and availability. Today I’ll show hot to test the failover of a zone-redundant cache. Deploy Azure Cache for Redis with availability zones # Create a file with the following content: # terraform { required_version = "> 0.14" required_providers { azurerm = { version = "= 2.57.0" } random = { version = "= 3.1.0" } } } provider "azurerm" { features {} } # Location of the services variable "location" { default = "west europe" } # Resource Group Name variable "resource_group" { default = "redis-failover" } # Name of the Redis cluster variable "redis_name" { default = "redis-failover" } resource "random_id" "random" { byte_length = 8 } resource "azurerm_resource_group" "rg" { name = var.resource_group location = var.location } resource "azurerm_redis_cache" "redis" { name = "${var.redis_name}-${lower(random_id.random.hex)}" location = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location resource_group_name = capacity = 2 family = "P" sku_name = "Premium" enable_non_ssl_port = true minimum_tls_version = "1.2" redis_configuration { } zones = ["1", "2"] } resource "azurerm_log_analytics_workspace" "logs" { name = "redis-logs" location = azurerm_resource_group.rg.location resource_group_name = sku = "PerGB2018" retention_in_days = 30 } resource "azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting" "monitor" { name = lower("extaudit-${var.redis_name}-diag") target_resource_id = log_analytics_workspace_id = metric { category = "AllMetrics" retention_policy { enabled = false } } log { category = "ConnectedClientList" enabled = false retention_policy { days = 0 enabled = false } } lifecycle { ignore_changes = [metric] } } output "redis_name" { value = } output "redis_host_name" { value = azurerm_redis_cache.redis.hostname } output "redis_primary_access_key" { value = azurerm_redis_cache.redis.primary_access_key sensitive = true } Note: the zones are specified: zones = ["1", "2"], making the cache zone-redundant.